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Essay Challenge

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The Power of Perseverance in Dance: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Your Goals.

Write an essay exploring the role of perseverance in your dance journey. Reflect on how persistence and resilience have played a crucial role in overcoming obstacles, facing setbacks, and achieving your personal dance goals.

A title page is required for each entry. It should include the following: student name, phone number, e-mail, school attending and grade in school for the fall of 2024. Limit one entry per student, per competition. Essay submissions will be divided into 2 age divisions: Middle School 4th-7th Jr/Sr High 8-12th Essays must be between 500-750 words. All essays must be submitted digitally. Handwritten submissions will not be accepted.

Entries must be received by:

Ankeney - February 3rd

Waterloo - February 24th

Buckhannon - March 3rd

Fort Dodge - March 24th

Cedar Rapids Nationals - May 26th

Winners will be selected based on adherence to the theme, quality of writing, originality of the essay, as well as proper use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. Judges will select the top entry in both age divisions. Winners will receive a cash prize. Please send your essay to:

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